Economic Update: Addiction, Capitalism, and 12 Steps


On this week's show, Prof. Wolff provides updates on car loans, sales showing falsity of "recovery" claims, airline profits vs service, the G-20 meetings coordinate global austerity, July 4 and capitalism, and the...READ MORE


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  • Kath Surbaugh
    commented 2017-08-29 13:10:01 -0400
    “13th Step,” in AA parlance, has associations with getting too “personal” with newcomers — nothing like what you propose! It may confuse some, however, to use that term, since it is already commonly understood to mean getting sexually involved with a vulnerable newcomer.
  • Jim Senter
    commented 2017-07-13 11:54:59 -0400
    Dear Ms Fraad
    Thank you for your recent comments on Dr. Woolf’s show. I am a member of a 12-step program and the junction of social justice and personal recovery is something that engages me quite a bit.

    I would be more comfortable with your presentation, however, if you had mentioned the need for extreme caution in the pursuit of “the 13th Step” as you call it. The potential of such pursuits to damage our unity is very real. We have all kinds of opinions, and levels of understanding and misunderstanding. There are valid reasons why “we are not connected with any political, religious or law enforcement groups”. Such conversations are best left between a person and her/his sponsor, in my opinion.

    thanks again