Harriet Fraad is a mental health counselor and hypnotherapist in practice in New York City. She is a founding member of the feminist movement and the journal Rethinking Marxism. For 40 years, she has been a radical committed to transforming US personal and political life. Harriet specializes in speaking and writing about topics in which psychology and economics overlap, as these topics remain loaded with taboos, confusions, ignorance, and fear preventing us from asking big questions and daring to discuss big answers. By analyzing issues where psychology and economics collide, we can better analyze our society and our individuality as well.
Class Struggle on the Home Front, (w/Stephen Resnick & Richard Wolff), New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009
Class Struggle on the Home Front, (w/Stephen Resnick & Richard Wolff), New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009
Imagine Living in a Socialist USA: Imagine…Personal Emotional and Sexual Life Without Capitalism (w/Tess Fraad Wolff), (Edited F. Goldin, D. & S. Smith), New York: Harper Collins, Jan 2014.
Selected Articles & Publications
Gender and the Presidental Election, Coop Talk, Democracy at Work, Dec 2016
Mass Killings: Why Americans Are “Going Postal, Truthout, Jan 2013
Capitalism Works for me (or Not) for Me, (w/Richard Wolff), Truthout, Oct 2013
The Feminist Movement: What Happened and Why, Tikkun Magazine, Feb 2013
Capitalist Profit and Intimate Life, The Journal of Psychohistory, Jan 2013
The Obama Election: Lessons for A Political Movement, Truthout, Nov 2012
Living Alone: The Rise of Capitalism and the Decline of Families, Truthout, Oct 2012
What’s Wrong with America? 12 Steps Towards Change, Rethinking Marxism, Apr 2012
Village Abuse: It Takes a Village, The Journal of Psychohistory, Jan 2012
Some Relationship Counseling for Feminism and the Left, Truthout, Apr 2012
Profiting from Mental Ill Health, The Guardian, Mar 2011
Capitalism and Loneliness: Why Pornography Is a Multibillion Dollar Industry (w/Tess Fraad Wolff), Truthout, Dec 2011
Where Is Home: A Revolution In Our Personal Lives, Tikkun, Oct 2011
The Pursuit of Happiness, Tikkun, Summer 2011
American Depression, Tikkun, Jan/Feb Winter 2010
What’s Really Behind The Catholic Church’s Abuse Problem, Alternet, May 2010
Why Are American’s Passive As Millions Lose Their Homes, Jobs, Families, & The American Dream?, Alternet, Feb 2010
Regular guest on Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff
Interpersonal Update (w/Tess Fraad Wolff), formerly broadcast on WBAI-FM, New York, Thursdays, 1-2PM EST
Public Speaking Roles & Interviews
How Capitalism Shreds Our Personal Lives, Revolutionary Workers Group, Oct 2016
Worker Coops: Movements for Social Change & Personal Empowerment, Global Voices for Justice, Oct 2016
Capitalism Works (Or Not) for Me, Oct 2, 2013. This was a unique event sponsored by the Crossing the Line Festival. Artist Steve Lambert, installed a neon lit banner (9'x20'x7') across Times Square in New York City. The banner read “Capitalism Works for Me.” Observers were invited to respond to that question by pressing one of two large button reading true or false. A group conversation including Harriet Fraad was arranged and widely publicized.
The Rebbe, The Radical, And The Rev, Feb 2013. Dialogue between Jim Vrettos and Dr. Harriet Fraad — a New York based, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and feminist. The interview centered on her recent article in Truthout and her life as a radical.