Capitalism Hits Home: Revelations, Cover-ups: Round Up of the Epstein Case - Part 1


[S1 E27]

Jeffrey Epstein's Case Reveals the Combination of Depraved Sex Abuse and Capitalism that allows...READ MORE


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  • stephen pfrimmer
    commented 2019-09-25 09:05:43 -0400
    and i live still, alone. why? the cause is not in me. Dewey says we need to talk about living problems, problems that live.
  • stephen pfrimmer
    commented 2019-09-25 09:02:07 -0400
    oh, and that hand there in my pic extends from a lass rugged and comely.
    look right down on’t, and you will see that there are lady bugs a-pairing.
  • stephen pfrimmer
    commented 2019-09-25 08:52:12 -0400
    a song i like might suffice: