Capitalism Hits Home: Where do Gender Roles Come From?


[S6 E05] New

In this episode of Capitalism Hits Home, Dr. Harriet Fraad traces back the origin of gender roles to the beginning of civilization to explore how and why certain types of work have been historically and traditionally...READ MORE


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  • Kris Haynes
    commented 2023-06-14 02:46:55 -0400
    I can’t believe that I am the first to comment on this post. What an amazing podcast. Such professional deliver of history, uncommon wisdom with fresh perspective… I am honored to be the first to comment. I have shared some of your podcasts widely and eagerly look forward to sharing more.
  • Kris Haynes
    commented 2023-06-14 02:46:46 -0400
    I can’t believe that I am the first to comment on this post. What an amazing podcast. Such professional deliver of history, uncommon wisdom with fresh perspective… I am honored to be the first to comment. I have shared some of your podcasts widely and eagerly look forward to sharing more.